Hi-Fi Choice review Clarity Pro 2.0
Tuesday, 23rd April 2024
Hi-Fi Choice review the latest addition to the Clarity™ range of system enhancers and finds it a very worthwhile investment.

Clarity Pro 2.0™ is the latest, and most powerful, of the Clarity™ and Symphony™ range of active mains conditioners we offer. We’ve been big fans of this type of conditioner since Russ first heard the original QRT™ Quantum Symphony™ at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in 2006, and we added it to the range later that year.
Fast forward a number of years and QRT™ was then replaced by an a new, updated and more effective design - this time produced in conjunction with ourselves - the hugely successful Clarity Pro™. And now, following collaboration with the core designers, we have been able to introduce a second, more sophisticated and powerful iteration: Clarity Pro 2.0™.
Already aware of the new model at its prototype stage, Neville Roberts of Hi-Fi Choice magazine was very keen to get his hands on the final version for review.

Clarity Pro 2.0™ facia showing Area Control/power knob.
Clarity Pro 2.0™ features a control knob on the facia which adjusts the strength of the effect, along with four internal DIP switches for fine tuning. Following Russ’s advice, Neville uses the default settings with the control knob at the 12 o’clock position and plays a number of recordings to evaluate the effect (he notes that the dual Area Control/power knob makes it very easy for him to switch the enhancer on and off to assess the difference).
“With the National Symphony Orchestra playing Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade”, he writes,
“the soundstage is wider and deeper, and music presentation is more refined and effortless”.
Moving onto the more intimate recording of Frank Sinatra’s rendition of Days of Wine and Roses, from a master tape copy, that soundstage expansion reoccurs “and Sinatra’s vocals have a greater presence and more precise focus”.
In summary, he reports that the Clarity Pro 2.0™ brings a level of performance from the system that rises above normal mains conditioning and recommends the product with a full five stars approval.

Magazine: Hi-Fi Choice
Publication: June 2024
Verdict: 5 Stars, Recommended
Click here to buy Clarity Pro 2.0™
Click here to buy Clarity Pro 2.0™ with upgraded Russ Andrews Supplier psu
Written By Simon Dalton
reviewed by Ray Duggan
21 Sep 2024
I am intrigued to know how tbe Clarity Pro would perform in my system I already have the AbZorber which works well in the midband area.
We have found that placing the Clarity Pro, centrally within your hifi sounds best. The stabilising field it generates has a radius of around 1m. Any further away than that and the effect drops off. If your components like your turntable and DAC are far away from each other then yes, you could get benefits from moving the Clarity Pro closer to whichever source you’re playing…or buy two!