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Axios review

Thursday, 12th May 2016

The June 2016 edition of Hi-Fi World carries a short review of Kimber’s new Axios headphone cable. Paul Rigby, reviewing, tested the cable out on his Sennheiser HD800s.
Starting with the CD of Bing Crosby’s Bing On Broadway’ and the track Swanee. Fitted with the Axios cable, his HD800s “forged a tremendous insight in terms of detail”. In comparison to the standard cable he notes that “Crosby’s voice lost earlier smearing and blurring while Buddy Cole’s backing now exhibited the subtle backing guitar”. That’s a guitar that, pre Axios, you could have convinced him was never there!
Axios headphone cable for Sennheiser HD800

Similar revelations were there on Neil Young’s Ragged Glory LP on vinyl, where improvements to the rendition of vocals “provided more nuance and separation”.
Although he feels this is a lot to pay for a headphone cable, Paul does admit that Axios did allow his HD800s to “really express themselves for the first time”. He adds: “they provided a sense of truth, giving each instrument a tonal accuracy and a musicality that engaged and entertained”. And despite those reservations around price, he still recommends that “every high-end headphone owner should demo this cable”.
Magazine: Hi-Fi World
Issue: June 2016
Verdict: n/a

Click here to read about the Hi-Fi Plus review
Click here to read about the Hi-Fi Choice review


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reviewed by Jim
24 Oct 2022
"Axios Extension?"
I have just been reading the Kimber website and they have the option of buying Axios headphone extension cables. Are you able to provide these?

Many thanks
Customer Service Reply Hi Jim,

Yes, we would be able to have an Axios headphone extension cable made for you - if you email info@russandrews.com with the length, terminations and cable type - copper/hybrid/silver - we can get you a price.

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