We pride ourselves on offering you products that really work to improve your enjoyment of music (and movies too). To be fair though, we would say that, wouldn't we? So what do other people think? Throughout the website you'll find lots of comments from customers relating to specific products, but here we're showing you some more general comments about us and what we do.
From the industry:

Back in June 2013 Hi-Fi Plus magazine celebrated their 100th issue and contributors were asked to pick out reviews from past editions that they felt represented key steps in the progression of Hi-Fi since that very first issue.
The very first piece is a commentary by Roy Gregory on his review of our mains products back in Jan/ Feb 2001. In that review, Gregory tested a range of our mains products, including our PowerKords, filters and the fitting of a Hi-Fi ringmain wired with our cable. He calls this the 'Russ Andrews Audio Quality Mains Supply'.
What’s interesting, looking back at the original review, is just how much Roy ‘got’ what it is all about. This is not simply a review of one or two products in isolation but a complete overview of how the products we produced work together as a system and the fundamental improvements this can bring to the enjoyment and appreciation of your music collection.
Commenting on his original review, he stated that "this was the first time that I ever really considered the AC power source as the system’s raw material. Once you grasp that concept then the vital importance of the mains quality becomes self-evident ... Improving it will in turn produce a dramatic improvement in the audio performance of your system."
Russ was one of the very first to realise this and it’s what motivated him to leave the comfort of his own respected Hi-Fi dealership to research further into the issue and develop the range of products tested in this review. This is something that Roy Gregory clearly admires and respects, and the reason why he chose to pick out the review as a key step in the development of Hi-Fi over the years since Hi-Fi+ has been appearing on the newsstand.
“What is now accepted wisdom was once considered ‘dangerously tweaky’ and Russ Andrews is to be applauded for not only drawing our attention to this fundamental aspect of system performance, but for providing sensible, cost-effective and practical advice on the subject”.
Ken Kessler, reviewer

"Honest to goodness: the first person to 'get it' when I decided to build my dream listening room was Russ Andrews. He knew immediately what I needed to make the room 'politically correct': wring, AC distribution layout, socket types. And I didn't really need to phone him: it was all in his catalogue.
Russ was the first person I turned to because I'd known him for decades, and knew his tenacity and focus. He provided the cables for one of the circuits, some mains-capable Kimber that turned out the be the most 'neutral' of the various circuits. But I shouldn't have been surprised, because Russ was one of the first tweakers in the UK to go that extra mile, to try and find out why stuff does what it does.
He never, for example, took tables and supports for granted, never accepted from the outset that sheer mass was enough. Instead, Russ developed Torlyte tables, which behaved quite differently from the run-of-the-mill heavy metal, and which enabled users to fine-tune their systems.
Eschewing the silly solutions that have come and gone, Russ Andrews - via Russ Andrews Accessories – has refined the procedures, discovered the shortcuts. [Russ's book] Sound Solutions is full of advice and free tips, all of which came through listening and experimentation rather than casting rune stones. Russ wrote this book because he's one of us: a music-loving enthusiast eager to get the most music out of his system."
Michael Mercer, Reviewer, Hi-Fi Plus magazine
"Ray Kimber is a pillar of the high end audio community and his cables are beloved by audiophiles across the globe. He founded Kimber Kable in 1979, and his designs have garnered praise from such high end pioneers as the late Harry Pearson [founder of legendary US magazine The Absolute Sound] and many others."
From our Customers:
"Over the last 6 months I have purchased Signature and Reference PowerKords (replaced by PowerKord-500™ and PowerKord-300™), mains extension lead, Mini Purifier, analogue KCAG, digital D-60, 8TC speaker cable and Cone Feet. I now have an AV system that was quite good to now being fantastic. Movies are brilliant but the biggest improvement is my music to the point that I listen to music a lot more. I wouldn't really know how to describe it all except to say I love it all and get a real deal of pleasure from it. None of the products have been a waste of money each one improving my system. My wife thinks I'm bonkers but still thinks it sounds great. I would recommend your products to anyone. Thanks. "
Mr J Brown, via email
"Can I take this opportunity to praise all the cables I have had from you so far. I initially started my mains cable upgrades as a result of my Naim CD5 sounding flat and uninvolving, mind you, it is up against an LP12/Lingo/Keel'ed/Ekos turntable!! I bought a Naim Powerline and straight out of the box it improved things and after around 200 hours it started to get better and better.
Then, after discovering your website, I invested in my next cable from yourselves. I must say that it blew the Powerline out of the water and I haven't looked back. I intend to replace the Powerline with another of your cables in due course.
Thanks to all your team for excellent service and for some amazing cables"
Mr M Cole , Calne
"I have built my system up over the last 15 years or so around Russ Andrews' products and it really has been transformed out of all proportion in that time... thanks to all at Russ Andrews."
J Carter, Epping
"Could I please thank you for my past orders and also I would like to congratulate you for an absolute superb service, products, and reputation. Until my next order, I take my hat off to you all. AN OUTSTANDING COMPANY!!
Mr S Clark, Thornaby
"Everything I have ever bought from Russ Andrews has performed exactly as was claimed."
Mr J Couchman via email
"I would like to say thank you for the excellent customer service that I have recently received regarding the repair of my Kimber attenuated interconnects and the supply of a set of 3 x 8mm spikes to match up to the 3 spiked feet I already had in my possession. I really appreciate the effort that the staff at Russ Andrews go to to ensure customer satisfaction"
Mr C Etherington, Manchester