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Inline MiniZaps Review

Inline MiniZaps Review

Friday, 21st June 2019

Featured in the July 2019 edition of Hi-Fi Choice magazine, their 'Choice Extras' section includes a short review of our Inline MiniZaps - Neville Roberts is impressed...

Upgrades to a Linn System

Upgrades to a Linn System

Wednesday, 24th April 2019

This time’s customer system is a set-up consisting mostly of Linn hardware and speakers. John Armer investigates.

The BMU 1500 MKII Balanced Mains Unit review

The BMU 1500 MKII Balanced Mains Unit review

Friday, 15th March 2019

Paul Rigby has given his verdict on our new Balanced Mains BMU1500 MKII; "every home should have one".

Roon Nucleus+ Review

Roon Nucleus+ Review

Friday, 10th August 2018

Hi-Fi Choice magazine review the Roon Nucleus+ and they're impressed...

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